Freedom Writes Productions


Writer, Producer, Director
A hilarious comedy about four friends who struggle with relationships and finding the prefect man...is that possible, or can the prefect man be created at the new Man-Shop?
Writer, Producer, Director
A man, who has married the woman of his dreams, realizes that he now must deal with her mental health issues and decide if he is going to stay or leave.

Sweet Cattle
Writer, Producer, Director
Two young women whose lives take a horrible turn as a result of being kidnapped and human trafficked.
The Invitation
Writer, Producer, Director
A comedy about racism, where family and friends show up for a funeral and they do not know why they’ve been invited.

E-Side Story
Director, Producer
E-Side Story is a dramatization on teen life, in school and about the city streets during a season of social media beefs and random gun violence.
Take No Tea For
A Fever
A grandmother, the matriarch of her family, who runs a speakeasy in the heart of Philadelphia during the 60’s. She will go to any lengths to protect her family, but she will have to go to even greater lengths to save a non-family member. This play also explores the complexities of racism, prostitution, and survival in the inner city that still resonate today.

Other Written Works
While attending a family function, James begins a journey to view racism from a different lens.
In-Laws (Short)
Two mothers in-law have a candid conversation sharing their experiences raising children.
What Is Love?
What’s missing in Solomon’s life and will he find it? A Playboy who enjoys being single, suddenly changes his perspective on life and love after a catastrophe.
The Woman In The Bathroom
Ursula is feeling the affects of a trapped marriage… but while seeking refuge; she finds herself in a peculiar situation.
The Hat-ters
What happens when racism, prejudices, stereotypes and conflicts affect the way neighbors interact and function with one another.
Something To Show You (Short)
Justin seeks a friend's help to find what he believes is missing.
Besties (Short)
Two Actors meet for lunch… and then “it all falls apart!”